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Proven and flexible methodologies that revolve around your organizational culture and business needs. We can serve your priorities while being compliant with government policies, directives, and legislation.  

Gap Analysis 


Privacy protection gap analysis was developed for a large government agency identifying the current state of privacy (personal information) protection within the agency and identifying gaps in the level of protection needed as well as risks to the organization based on its legal and policy obligations and requirements. The gap analysis outcome was an action plan as well as identification of policy instruments required for the organization to meets its privacy protection obligations.


The gap analysis approach was designed to elicit input and insight from program managers, operations and application owners representing the full scope of the agency’s activities in order to convey the current state of awareness and practices, while defining the desired state.  


The resulting definition of the desired state was formed from the commonly held perspective of all stakeholders interviewed. The project recognized that the stakeholders were interested in risk reduction and full compliance with legislative obligations and privacy protection policies. Consequently, sets of recommendations and action plans were forged to set a practical approach to strengthening privacy protection at the agency with the blessing of governance committees and senior executives.  

International Consultation on Grants & Contributions 


Undertook a wide international consultation on a specific grants and contribution activity serving a specific group of applicants. 



  • More efficient management of application selection and approval process

  • Manage volunteers and their integration and knowledge with the selection process

  • Ensuring cost effective and efficient way to use the volunteer base

  • Facilitate a fair, transparent and accountable process with documented evidence of decision making and associated processes

  • Ensure sustainability and shared commitment to success by all parties


Process:Global comparison, undertaking consultation with government agencies globally with similar grants and contributions mandate including UK, EU, USA, Australia, etc.  Identified core principles, governance structure and reporting needs. 


Findings:Developed emerging and common themes: policy, practices, workload management and performance measurement. 

 Information, Data & Records

Information Architecture 

Designed and implemented the GCdocs information architecture for a government agency of over 1500 staff.

  • Developed the conceptual architecture and the approach to gathering input from client groups through consultations and demonstrations.

  • Designed and implemented a program-based enterprise-wide architecture, including business unit or program-specific metadata and folder structures to allow users across the organization to organize and find information effectively, regardless of the business unit in which it was created.  The architecture also mapped to the newly created Disposition Authority.

  • Developed a permissions model to enable both an effective Open by Default approach and the ability to protect sensitive personal or security-related information.


GCdocs Implementation 

Planned project schedules for all project activities for GCdocs implementation in a department of over 5,000 staff, including regions.

  • Developed the project schedule in collaboration with client business units.  Created and implemented a deployment checklist, managed collaboratively by the project team and each client business unit, to ensure that all deployment tasks were monitored and completed on schedule.  The checklist allowed clients to monitor their own progress and provided information on upcoming activities to enable clients to participate in the planning and completion of activities effectively.

  • Developed and implemented the migration plan for mapping content from existing repositories and moving it to the new GCdocs architecture.

Shared Services


As key team members we have taken part in successful multi-year shared services government projects. Our team members worked in various capacities and delivered a diverse range of work products:

  • Defining the service and scope 

  • Identifying common business objectives, requirements and opportunities 

  • Assessment of the landscape (clients, vendors, products, services, etc.)

  • Identifying collective priorities

  • Consultation, client relationship management and communication

  • Transition planning 

  • Conducting cost benefit analysis 

  • Assessment of impact to the organization and workforce

  • Organization of committees, membership and stakeholders

  • Coordination of planning, design, implementation and service delivery

  • Defining and monitoring critical success factors and risk factors

  • Monitoring progress and resource requirements

  • Reporting to senior management

  • Providing support to the leadership during the transition 

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