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Stages of growth and flowering of a dais
Transformation - Organization and Governance


Our program, service and organizational transformation team works with government organizations that need to respond to changes in government priorities, programs and new policy demands. We provide a range of services to help you keep pace with the spectrum of change that confronts business and government today:


  • Organization and service transformation

  • Transition planning

  • Strategy and vision building

  • Business planning

  • Departmental Results Framework as per Policy on Results 

  • Developing organizational response to new priorities and policies such as Digital Government

  • Client relationship management

  • Gap analysis and action plans

  • Change Management

  • Mandate and authority review

  • Taskforce planning and organization

  • Funding framework and modeling

  • Organizational learning, capacity development, curriculum planning

  • Governance review and analysis

  • Procurement strategy and (vendor, product, service) evaluation

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